Why support us?
We could not do the work we do without the support of our friends and partners. In turn, we support people of all ages, across the world, to have their own adventures through the words on page.
We started this journey with the belief that we can make a difference, aiming to:
- improve young people's literacy levels
- provide support to writers of all ages
- raise the profile of adventure writing as a genre
You can make a donation below.
If you are interested in getting involved in another way, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in volunteering, would like to partner with us on a project or have an idea you would like to propose, please get in touch. If you are thinking about leaving a gift in your will or in memory of a loved one, you can contact Georgina Brown, Foundation Manager, on georgina@wilbur-niso-smithfoundation.org
Please note that we do not accept unsolicited funding applications.